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Turn your blogs into LinkedIn carousel posts+Why you should do it?

turn blogs into linkedin carousel posts

Are you looking for a way to showcase your content in a visually appealing way on social media? One strategy you may want to consider is turning your text or blogposts into carousel posts.

A carousel post is a type of post that consists of multiple slides that users can swipe through. These types of posts are particularly popular on platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram and can be an effective way to showcase your content in a more engaging way.

Turning text posts into carousels

So how do you turn your text or blogposts into carousel posts? One option is to use a tool like Contentdrips, which has a feature that allows you to easily repurpose your text content into a carousel post. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Pick any carousel template of Contentdrips
  2. Click on the repurpose button
  3. Click on the “text to carousel” option
  4. Paste your text (this could be multiple paragraphs)
  5. Click on the “make a carousel” button

Watch this video to learn how to use

It’s that easy! The tool will automatically create new slides based on your content and adjust the design for you. Just make sure to review the carousel post before publishing to ensure it looks the way you want it to.

Why you should do it?

So why should you turn your text or blog posts into carousel posts? Here are a few reasons:

  1. It can help you get more reach on existing content: By repurposing your text content into a carousel post, you can give it new life and potentially reach a new audience. This is especially useful if you have older content that may not be getting as much traction as it used to.
  2. It saves you time: Instead of having to create a new graphic or design for each piece of content you want to share, you can simply paste your text into this tool and it will automatically create a carousel post for you. This can save you a lot of time and effort, especially if you’re managing multiple social media accounts or have a lot of content to share.
  3. It unlocks new opportunities: By repurposing your content into different formats, you open up new opportunities for engagement and reach. For example, if you have a blog post that did well on your website, turning it into a carousel post can help you reach a new audience on social media.
  4. LinkedIn favors carousel posts: LinkedIn has been known to favor carousel posts in its algorithms, so if you’re looking to increase your reach on this platform, turning your text content into a carousel post can be a good strategy.

Why do carousel posts perform much better?

Carousel posts tend to perform better on social media for a few reasons.

First, carousel posts are visually appealing. They allow you to showcase multiple pieces of content in a single post, which can make your content more engaging and interesting for your audience. This is especially useful if you have a lot of information to share or want to showcase a series of images or videos.

Second, carousel posts allow users to easily swipe through the content, which can increase the amount of time they spend engaging with your post. This can be especially helpful if you’re trying to drive traffic to your website or showcase a product or service.

Overall, carousel posts are a great way to showcase your content in a visually appealing and engaging way, which can help you get more reach and engagement on social media.

In summary, using a tool like Contentdrips to turn your text or blogposts into carousel posts can be a great way to increase your reach and engagement on social media. It’s a time-saving tool that allows you to easily repurpose your content and unlock new opportunities for engagement. Just remember to review your carousel post before publishing and focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

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