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Find the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn

Best Time to Post on LinkedIn

Posts on LinkedIn are an investment yielding three benefits:

  • Initiates exchange of valuable information
  • Gathers you a bigger and relevant audience for your brand
  • Ensures mindful socialization

However, to avail of these benefits, you’ve to post at a time when everyone’s there on the platform. But how are you supposed to figure that perfect time?

Well, that’s exactly what I’ll uncover in this quick guide.

Quick Takeaway

  • Ideal Time:  8am – 11am PST 
  • Ideal Time Range: 9am – 4pm
  • Ideal Days: Weekdays (particularly on Tuesdays & Wednesdays)

Know Your Audience

Although I’ve provided you with some quick takeaways, I’ll still encourage you to slow down a bit. Figuring the best time to post on LinkedIn demands a bit of research from your end.

You can benefit from the time range mentioned above. But to yield the best results, you’ve to observe your analytics.

If you’ve got a premium LinkedIn account or if you run a company page, the analytics section will disclose the demographics of your audience. And this will include location.  You can use the location of your audience to figure the best time to post.

LinkedIn Post Analytics

Say you receive most views, reactions, and overall engagement from the USA. Now, this piece of information gives you a lead about what time will be best for you to post.

Typically, US professionals enjoy their lunch break from 11:30 am to 1 pm. Professionals tend to check on their LinkedIn accounts during the break. So, the ideal time to get the most engagement will be from 11 am to afternoon (until 2 pm or so). The same applies to other areas.

What you’ve to do is figure the location and study the work culture in that specific location. Once done, you will have a good and effective estimate of the best time to post on LinkedIn.

Those who don’t own a premium account yet can opt for the alternate strategy to figure the best time to post on LinkedIn. Just pick one of your best-performing posts. Check out the time and day at which this post went live, and you can use it as your best time to post. Also, study the audience demographics in terms of location and interests. 

Best LinkedIn Post Time

Schedule with PostDrips

Once you have your best estimates in hand, it’s time to run experiments. Know that only running experiments could get you your specific and custom best time to post on LinkedIn.

Use PostDrips to schedule a LinkedIn post at each of your best guesses of time. Next, study the response you receive. The posts that receive maximum engagement – mark those as your very own best times to post. Good luck!

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