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How to post your Twitter Threads on LinkedIn as carousel posts

We’ve updated our Twitter thread to carousel feature, click here to find the updated blog.

If you are also tired of managing so many social media accounts but still want to stay active for professional or personal reasons, this feature will make your life much easier.

Contentdrips tweet to carousel feature is an innovative and efficient way to repurpose your tweets for LinkedIn and even Instagram. All you have to do is merely copy and paste, leaving the rest to Contentdrips.

Why carousel posts?

Carousel posts are not only good for reach but are also more interactive. The audience finds them easy to read and understand as the carousel template is more attractive than a simple paragraph of content. People often worry about coming up with new content and ideas when they haven’t taken their present content to its full potential.

To get most reach out of your content, it needs to be repurposed on different platforms so it can reach a different audiences. One of the best way to do that is to convert your tweets into carousel posts. Giving the same old content a new and improved outlook will make it more relatable and attractive than it previously was.

Tweet to carousel feature – Contentdrips

Hard to believe? Well, this is how it works. First, you choose a carousel template that is most appealing to you. Then simply copy your tweet or thread URL and paste it into the text box.

After that, a new post is merely a click away! Once the tweet is repurposed into a carousel, you can download the PDF or PNG version of the carousel post for LinkedIn.

How it works?

Before everything you have to make sure that every text box in your carousel template has the ‘placeholder’ property set.

And you must have at-least 3 slides available. Contentdrips will handle all the rest. It will add or remove slides based on the amount of content.

Downloading your LinkedIn carousel post


Carousel posts are the ideal format to display boring facts or statistics in a way that is both, visually appealing and readable to the audience. The posts often come up on the viewer’s feed, with a different slide displaying each time which increases the chances of them going through the entire post.

LinkedIn Carousel Post made with Contentdrips

Breaking down the content into a series of images makes it easier for the person to retain the information even if they skim through the post.

However, the best part about LinkedIn carousel posts is the fact that these posts are optimized for both, desktop and mobile phones. 

Eye-catching graphics stand out from dull static posts and as a result, the increased engagement will help your profile grow.

What are you still waiting for? Go ahead and try out Contentdrips’ “Tweet to carousel” feature (It’s FREE!) to give your content the reach it deserves on all platforms.

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